
Postdoc/Graduate Students: 

Potential postdoc and graduate students who are interested in exploring research opportunities shall contact Prof. Ni. Currently we don’t have extra funding from our research projects but below are several fellowship opportunities that one can explore.

Undergraduate Students:

We have limited number of positions for undergraduate students. If you are interested in exploring undergraduate research opportunities, please first discuss with our group members (postdoc and graduate students) who are most likely be your direct mentor. We expect undergraduate students to devote 6-12 hours/week on research projects once they join the group. Sophomore students shall sign up PHYS-99. Junior and above shall sign up PHYS-199.

Summer Research and Visiting Students:

Visiting and summer students, usually sponsored by their own individual fellowships, can participate in our research to get experience. For UCSD undergraduate students, there are a number of summer research fellowships available, including the Undergraduate Summer Research Award from the School of Physical Sciences.